Prepare Data For Ingestion


This part is a work in progress.

The candig-server has a general guideline on which data are accepted.

The following sections will talk about how to prepare for the data that is accepted by the candig-server, and provide you with some mock data for testing.

Clinical and Pipeline Metadata

File format required for ingestion

At this time, ingest command is the only way to ingest any clinical and pipeline metadata, detailed instructions for ingestion can be found under Command Line Interface.

However, before you run the ingest command, you need to prepare for a json file that conforms to the ingest standard format.

For clinical data, it is a json object, with metadata as the key. However, for pipeline data, its key is pipeline_metadata. Make sure you have the correct key specified.

The value of the key is a list of objects. Each object should have the table name as the key, and the object as its value. Therefore, it is possible to specify multiple tables in one single object. However, each table can only be specified once, due to the uniqueness of the key in the object.

If you need to specify, for example, two samples for one patient. You should specify the second sample as an independent object in the list, as shown below. For all clinical data objects, you always need to specify patientId.


Please do not include Tier information yourself. Use the load_tier that comes with candig-ingest to load tiers. More details follow.

    "metadata": [
            "Patient": {
                "patientId": "Patient_12345",
                "patientIdTier": 0
             "Sample": {
                "sampleId": "Sample_1",
                "sampleIdTier": 0,
                "patientId": "Patient_12345",
                "patientIdTier": 4
            "Sample": {
                "sampleId": "Sample_2",
                "sampleIdTier": 0,
                "patientId": "Patient_12345",
                "patientIdTier": 4

Similar structure is used for pipeline metadata, however, for all pipeline metadata objects, you should always include sampleId.

How to load tiers

If you have a valid json file, but missing tier information, you should use the load_tier utility provided by the candig-ingest to load the tier information.

The load_tiers command is the preferred way to load tier information. It does not come with candig-server by default, to use it, you need to install candig-ingest by running:

pip install candig-ingest

To tier the data, you need to run

usage: load_tiers <project_name> <json_filepath> <tier_filepath> <output_filepath>


$ load_tiers pog mock.json tier.tsv mock_tier.json

Mock data for testing

We provide some mock data files, should you want to use them to quickly test your server.

They are available from Use the clinical_metadata_tier[1,2,3].json files.


If you are interested in testing the 1k genome data, you can find a ingest-compliant clinical mock dataset here

This contains all individuals information.

Migrate data from RedCap Cloud

If your clinical meta data is on RedCapCloud, we provide a script that would transform the related data into ready-to-ingest format.

It is available from here:

Data Use Ontology

To enable future automated discovery, we have adopted the use of Data Use Ontology (DUO) Terms to describe our datasets. For the current version of candig-server, you have the option to use a json file to define your dataset.

You can find a list of DUO Terms through this csv file. You can also use an ontology parsing tool of your choice to visualize/parse a more complete list of DUO’s raw OWL definition.


We only support a limited subset of the DUO terms.

Terms whose ID is between DUO:0000031 and DUO:0000039, as well as DUO:0000022 and DUO:0000025 are not supported, as we expect these terms to be updated in the near future.

If you think an ID should be supported, but is not. You can let us know by opening an issue on our Github repo.

The supported IDs are listed below.

    "DUO:0000001", "DUO:0000004", "DUO:0000005",
    "DUO:0000006", "DUO:0000007", "DUO:0000011", "DUO:0000012", "DUO:0000014",
    "DUO:0000015", "DUO:0000016", "DUO:0000017", "DUO:0000018", "DUO:0000019",
    "DUO:0000020", "DUO:0000021", "DUO:0000024", "DUO:0000026", "DUO:0000027"
    "DUO:0000028", "DUO:0000029", "DUO:0000042"


We do not currently provide API to look up the definitions via their ID.

If one of the supported ids listed above is not in the csv file provided above, you may be able to look up their definitions via EBI’s DUO page.

To ingest the DUO Terms, you need to prepare a json file listed like below. You should only specify id in a single DUO object, unless the modifier is also required, then you specify the id along with the modifier.

    "duo": [
            "id": "DUO:0000021"
            "id": "DUO:0000024",
            "modifier": "2020-01-01"


For now, DUO:0000024 is the only DUO Term that requires modifier. The modifier has to be formatted exactly like YYYY-MM-DD, invalid dates will be rejected.

When your file is ready, run the add-dataset-duo command to populate the DUO information of the dataset. Please note that this command will always overwrite the existing DUO information stored.

Reads, Variants and References Data

If you are interested in testing the candig-server with some variants data, we provide a mock dataset here:

Currently, there are three groups of test data provided, containing clinical, pipeline metadata, as well as the variants data. We have provided a loading script, note that you might need to modify the DB path, or the dataset name.

We provide three group datasets since we often use it to test federation of three test servers.