
Please refer to for the latest release notes.

Upgrade Guidelines

This section is mainly prepared for system administrators.


Release note available from

This release introduces a schema update, and thus requires you to back up your existing database, and perform a one-time schema upgrade.

To update the schema of your existing database:

  • Activate the virtual environment of your candig-server instance.

  • Upgrade the candig-server to 1.3.0

pip install -U candig-server==1.3.0
  • Change directory to where your database is, and make a backup copy of it.

  • Retrieve migration script:

  • Retrieve migration schema:

  • Make sure your virtual environment is still active.

  • Run the migration script

python --database {path_to_your_database_file} --add_columns add_columns.json

Once the schema migration is done, you may restart your server.

Three newly-generated sets of mock data are now available from, should you be interested in ingesting any of those.


Release note available from

This release does not require any configuration changes.


Release note available from

As indicated in the release note, the previous v1.2.1 release did not correctly preserve backware compatibilities for access_list that uses null (not specifying anything) to indicate no access. It also did not correctly process the information when an empty space is used.

This release fixed the issue.

If you are already using X to indicate no access when you upgraded to v1.2.1, no further action is required. You may update to this version of candig-server without performing any additional changes.

If you are still using empty space, or null to indicate no access, please do not use v1.2.1 release of the candig-server, use this one instead. It is still recommended to use X over empty space or null to indicate no access.

  • Step 1: Update the candig-server in your virtual environment to v1.2.2.

  • Step 2: Replace all empty space with X.


Release note available from

As indicated in the release note, X is now used to indicate no access. You may see a newly-updated sample access_list file from Production Deployment.

If you have used empty space to indicate no access, you should:

  • Step 1: Update the candig-server in your virtual environment to v1.2.1.

  • Step 2: Replace all empty space with X.

You should always restart the candig-server service when you update to a new candig-server.

As indicated in the release note, DUO:0000002 and DUO:0000003 are no longer valid DUO ids.

If you have specified one of these two for one or more of your datasets, you should

  • Step 1: Remove DUO:0000002 and DUO:0000003 from the json file that holds info regarding your data use restrictions.

  • Step 2: Re-run the add-dataset-duo command.

You should restart the candig-server service when you make changes to the data.